Podocarpus vs. Clusia, who wins?
In the past two years with the popularity of podocarpus maki, podocarpus macrophyllus, japanese podocarpus yew, or podo and the clusia guttifera, clusea or small leaf clusia as the two best hedges we at Farm Networks LLC are experiencing high quantity of calls asking what the better hedge is, and which one is best, our answer is simple! They are both great! And, there is no better choice; both plants are equally as hardy and the same when it comes to podocarpus and clusia being salt tolerant, white fly resistant and drought tolerant. When it comes to podocarpus and clusia is a matter of preference truly. We wish we could recommend a better plant for you privacy hedge but both of them are winners! The podocarpus is great in south florida and for a hedge so is the clusia if you are looking for the best quality privacy hedge! Clusias are great plants if you are looking for a larger leaf look but podocarpus looks just as fancy and cover just as well. The best attribute both plants have is that they are white fly resistant. With the current infestation of ficus hedges it is not worth to continue to spray your ficus and it is better to just rip out your ficus hedge and replace with a hedge that will last you a lifetime, like clusia and podocarpus. Clusia and podocarpus have no rivals these two are the absolute best hedge plants for West Palm Beach, boca raton, coral springs and ft. Lauderdale. In Miami, Coral Gables and pinecrest these two hedges have been an instant hit. So if someone were to ask you which one you recommend just say, which one do you like better? Because there is no way you can make a mistake, both hedges are amazing and equal in quality. So podocarpus vs. clusia, who wins? BOTH.
In the past two years with the popularity of podocarpus maki, podocarpus macrophyllus, japanese podocarpus yew, or podo and the clusia guttifera, clusea or small leaf clusia as the two best hedges we at Farm Networks LLC are experiencing high quantity of calls asking what the better hedge is, and which one is best, our answer is simple! They are both great! And, there is no better choice; both plants are equally as hardy and the same when it comes to podocarpus and clusia being salt tolerant, white fly resistant and drought tolerant. When it comes to podocarpus and clusia is a matter of preference truly. We wish we could recommend a better plant for you privacy hedge but both of them are winners! The podocarpus is great in south florida and for a hedge so is the clusia if you are looking for the best quality privacy hedge! Clusias are great plants if you are looking for a larger leaf look but podocarpus looks just as fancy and cover just as well. The best attribute both plants have is that they are white fly resistant. With the current infestation of ficus hedges it is not worth to continue to spray your ficus and it is better to just rip out your ficus hedge and replace with a hedge that will last you a lifetime, like clusia and podocarpus. Clusia and podocarpus have no rivals these two are the absolute best hedge plants for West Palm Beach, boca raton, coral springs and ft. Lauderdale. In Miami, Coral Gables and pinecrest these two hedges have been an instant hit. So if someone were to ask you which one you recommend just say, which one do you like better? Because there is no way you can make a mistake, both hedges are amazing and equal in quality. So podocarpus vs. clusia, who wins? BOTH.